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Use our Knowledge Center to find resources including articles, videos, and tips on caring for your children and family.



Swimming with Your Baby with Your BabyOutdoors;Health and Safety;Infant and Toddler Care
Nutrients for Toddlers for ToddlersPediatricsNutrition;Infant and Toddler Care
The Importance of Tummy Time Importance of Tummy TimePediatricsNewborn;Infant and Toddler Care
Baby’s First Cold’s First ColdPediatrics3-6 Months;Cold and Flu;Illness;Health;Infant and Toddler Care;Newborn
Cloth Diaper Hygiene Tips Diaper Hygiene TipsPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care
Milestones: Your baby's development from 6 to 9 months Your baby's development from 6 to 9 monthsNewborn;Expecting Parents;Infant and Toddler Care
Milestones: Your baby's development from 9 to 12 months Your baby's development from 9 to 12 monthsNewborn;Expecting Parents;Infant and Toddler Care
Going Back to Work After Having a Baby Back to Work After Having a BabyNewborn;Infant and Toddler Care
High Chair Safety Chair SafetyHealth and Safety;Infant and Toddler Care
Transitioning Your Baby from Bassinet to Crib Your Baby from Bassinet to CribPediatricsSleep Tips;Newborn;Infant and Toddler Care
Hand and Finger Coordination Activities for Your Toddler's Development and Finger Coordination Activities for Your Toddler's DevelopmentPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care;Child Development
Potty Training Tips Training TipsPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care;Family and Parenting
How to Introduce Solid Foods for Your Toddler to Introduce Solid Foods for Your ToddlerNutrition;Infant and Toddler Care
Flat Head Syndrome Head SyndromePediatricsNewborn;Infant and Toddler Care
Why Babies Cry and How to Soothe Them Babies Cry and How to Soothe ThemPediatrics3-6 Months;Infant and Toddler Care;Newborn
Toddler Lying LyingPediatrics;Behavioral HealthInfant and Toddler Care;Family and Parenting
Baby Sign Language Sign LanguageSpeech Therapy;PediatricsSpeech and Language;Infant and Toddler Care
Toys for Newborns for NewbornsPediatricsNewborn;Infant and Toddler Care
Taming the Terrible Twos the Terrible TwosPediatrics;Behavioral HealthDiscipline;Infant and Toddler Care;Family and Parenting
Pregnancy: Is this Normal? Is this Normal?Pediatrics3-6 Months;Infant and Toddler Care
Your Baby at 4 Months Baby at 4 MonthsPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care
Colic GastroenterologyInfant and Toddler Care
Tips on Surviving the First Six Months on Surviving the First Six MonthsPediatricsNewborn;Infant and Toddler Care
Transitioning from the Crib to a Bed from the Crib to a BedPediatricsSleep Tips;Infant and Toddler Care
Your Baby at 6 Months Baby at 6 MonthsPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care
Toddler Tantrums TantrumsPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care;Family and Parenting
Protecting Infants with Sunscreen Infants with SunscreenPediatricsNewborn;Skin Care;Infant and Toddler Care
Potty Training: Is My Child Ready? Training: Is My Child Ready?PediatricsInfant and Toddler Care
New Baby Bathing and Hygiene 101 Baby Bathing and Hygiene 101Pediatrics3-6 Months;Infant and Toddler Care;Newborn;Parenting;Skin Care
Feeding Your Newborn Your NewbornPediatrics3-6 Months;6-12 Months;Breastfeeding;Infant and Toddler Care;Newborn;Nutrition
Teething and Toddler Care
Naps: Transitioning from Two Naps to One Transitioning from Two Naps to OnePediatricsSleep Tips;Infant and Toddler Care
Starting Solid Foods Solid FoodsPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care
Baby on the Move: Learning to Walk on the Move: Learning to WalkPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care
Febrile Seizures SeizuresPediatric NeurologyIllness;Infant and Toddler Care
Pacifiers and Speech: What Parents Should Know and Speech: What Parents Should KnowPediatricsInfant and Toddler Care;Speech and Language
Introducing Siblings to the New Baby Siblings to the New BabyPediatricsExpecting Parents;Family and Parenting;Infant and Toddler Care;Newborn
Bonding with Your New Baby with Your New BabyPediatrics3-6 Months;Family;Infant and Toddler Care;Newborn
New Baby: Is this Normal? Baby: Is this Normal?PediatricsNewborn;3-6 Months;Parenting;Infant and Toddler Care
Is Bug Repellent Safe for Babies Bug Repellent Safe for BabiesPediatricsHealth and Safety;Infant and Toddler Care;Outdoors;Skin Care
Newborn Travel Tips Travel TipsPediatricsNewborn;3-6 Months;Parenting;Infant and Toddler Care
How to Prepare to Go Back to Work After Baby to Prepare to Go Back to Work After BabyPediatricsParenting;Newborn;3-6 Months;Infant and Toddler Care

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