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Vicki A. Herrman, M.D.

Vicki A. Herrman, M.D.

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Same Day Pediatrics



Dr. Vicki Herrman was first a nurse in the neonatal ICU. She returned to medical school, received her medical degree, and joined Boys Town Pediatrics. “I have wanted to be a doctor since I was about five years old,” said Dr. Herrman. “You can make a real difference by taking care of a sick child and helping them to get well.” She feels it is important to listen to the parents because they know their child best. “Parents know their child and I know medicine, so it’s a partnership,” said Dr. Herrman, “by working together, we can provide the best care for the child.”


  • Medical Degree, University of Nebraska College of Medicine
  • Pediatric Residency, University of Nebraska Medical Center
